Connection with Helen Garret


Helen Garrett is inspired by the mystery of life which emerges with beauty and clarity in her paintings.  She says: ‘I feel we all have internal landscapes – worlds within worlds in our imagination and memory.  Everything in the painted landscape is, for me, and expression of this.’

Inga Bryden has written: ‘Helen Garrett’s personal dedication to her practice has resulted in an artist un-swayed by fashions, with a desire to explore the eternal themes of love, fate and transience.  Trees are often used in the artists work to signal a strong, earthy presence rooted amidst a tumultuous backdrop’.

Georgina and Helen met at David Whyte’s Poetry Salons.  Their friendship and artistic collaboration emerged during long walks and laughter in the landscape surrounding the Rectory Hotel at Crudwell in the Cotswolds.

Whilst Helen’s paintings and Georgina’s poetry were created at different times and in different places there is a unity and coherence when they appear together, in print in Golden Threads, Georgina’s first slim volume of poetry (published in 2011) and on this website.  It is with gratitude to Helen that she has given her permission for us to reproduce them.

If you would like to know more about Helen’s work or want to buy one of her paintings, please contact her direct.

Professor Bill Critchley

Professor Bill Critchley

Organisational consultant and supervisor to Georgina Noakes

Professor John Adair

Professor John Adair

World renowned author on leadership

Dr Myrna Gower

Dr Myrna Gower

Systemic Family Psychotherapist and Organisational Consultant
