Connection with David Whyte

Poet and philosopher

David’s vocation and particular place in the world as a poet and philosopher need little introduction on this site.  Please see David’s website for further information and inspiration.

David and Georgina share a common heritage in that they both grew up in the hills and valleys of Yorkshire – a landscape which has shaped them both to this day.  When in 1999 she read David’s first book, ‘The Heart Aroused, Poetry and the Preservation of the Soul at Work’ (1994), Georgina says: ‘it caught my attention whilst I was on my way to somewhere and something different.  It gave me the courage to bring my own soul, and poetry, back into the corporate arenas in which I have now worked for the past twenty years.’

Through first attending his UK workshops and then David’s Poetry Salons since 2007, a mutual respect and understanding of their different but complementary styles has led to some joint ventures into the work places of Madrid and Paris, and a certain amount of enjoyable Bordeaux claret being shared over the years en route.

David’s well worn poetry books have been used on countless occasions in Brightside’s work and influenced the publication of Georgina’s first slim volume of poetry, Golden Threads, in 2011.

Dr Myrna Gower

Dr Myrna Gower

Systemic Family Psychotherapist and Organisational Consultant

Steve Harrison MSc

Steve Harrison MSc

Executive Coach

Rob Caskie

Rob Caskie

Keynote Speaker, Business Motivator and Story Teller
